๑۩۞۩๑ nimbuzz-tools ๑۩۞۩๑ آخرین مطالب
نويسندگان سه شنبه 28 شهريور 1391برچسب:, :: 20:50 :: نويسنده : admin
salam be hameye gogoli magolia
in soft az 3bakhsh tashkil shode ke dar edame tozih midam:
1. get user: hamontor ke to ax mibinin aval ye ID login mikonin, bad esme roomo mizanid har kasi tu room bashe IDish nemayesh dade mishe
2. manager room: to in qemat IDe admin ya ownere roomo login mikonid esme roomo minevisid va ID targeto vared mikonid
3. room config: aval ye ID login mikonid , ham mitoonid room besazid ham az server pak konid , luck ya unluck konid
سه شنبه 28 شهريور 1391برچسب:, :: 20:49 :: نويسنده : admin
salam bexe gol
inam xml sendere teambuzz ke ar6ia jan zahmatesho keshide
aval ye ID online mikonid , code xml o minevisid va send mikonid
inam screen shot
سه شنبه 28 شهريور 1391برچسب:, :: 20:49 :: نويسنده : admin
salam dostane golam
in soft ham avatar grabber hast, ham forgot password
bakhshe avatar grabber IDihaye nimbuzz , yahoo , facebook , yahoo status ro neshon mide
va dar bakhshe forgot password ba vared kardane code amniati passworde shoma ham be emaileton send mishe ham be phone
linke download:
linke scan:
سه شنبه 28 شهريور 1391برچسب:, :: 20:48 :: نويسنده : admin
دو شنبه 27 شهريور 1391برچسب:, :: 1:35 :: نويسنده : admin
(in farsi and english) hi friends This is a simple tool to make a auto reply id . You first need to open file of this application now you will see a xml file there (setting.xml) open that using notepad and you will see the example there . you can add unlimited question and answer just copy and paste like examples. this application also contains translator for example if you want to translate "how are you" from english to persian just do like this > type Trans.english.persian.how are you (Trans+dot+our word language+dot+target language+dot+words) supported languages are written below : ------------------------- portuguese romanian russian serbian slovak slovenian spanish swahili swedish thai turkish ukrainian vietnamese welsh yiddish afrikaans albanian arabic belarusian bulgarian catalan chinese croatian czech danish dutch english estonian phil finnish french falician german greek haitian Creole ALPHA hebrew hindi hungarian icelandic indo irish italian japanese korean latvian lithuanian macedonian malay maltese norwegian persian polish ------------- to know current date time : send "time" salam dostan in ie abzare sade hast ke bahash mitonid 1 idro be robot tabdil konid wase shoru awal file in softo baz konid wa unja ie fil hast be esme (setting.xml) hala ino ba notepad baz konid wa mesalaro bebinid , tebge mesali ke hast harchanta question answer ke khastin ezafe konid in soft gabelyate translator ham dare masalan age mikhayn loghate "how are you" az englisi be farsi tarjome koni intori amal mikonid Trans.english.persian.how are you (Trans+noqte+zabane loghatemon+zabane magsad+noqte+loghate mored nazar) zabanhayi ke in soft support mikone bala newesham wase donestane zaman wa tarikh kafie type konid "time" download دو شنبه 27 شهريور 1391برچسب:, :: 1:34 :: نويسنده : admin
دو شنبه 27 شهريور 1391برچسب:, :: 1:33 :: نويسنده : admin
barnamei k nevshtam fk knam ghabeliatayi k ye barnameye s2a niaz dare dashte bashe...
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